Sunday, December 29, 2019

Why The Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered - 997 Words

Why the drinking age should not be lowered Alcoholism affects so many people in the United States due to accidents and much more but, many people say once teens turn 18 they should be able to do whatever they want, If they are able to vote, purchase nicotine products and become our troops, etc. So why not be able to drink? The drinking age has become a more controversial issue lately. There are many reasons of why the drinking age should not be lowered but if the drinking age was to be lowered to eighteen, fatalities would increase and more death cases would occur and also create health issues. Statistics say â€Å"The strongest evidence in favor of keeping the MLDA at 21 comes from the research that shows that raising the MLDA in 1984 saved approximately 25,000 lives, primarily by reducing alcohol-related traffic fatalities† In a study made by Nancy Barnett, The minimum age debate, it explains how many lives were saves since the drinking age was raised to twenty one (U.S. D.O.T., 2007). Because of proof of how many l ives were saved by the drinking age increased the twenty one, why would we lower the age instead of avoiding an increase of death mortalities and health issues. Also lowering the drinking age, it would give younger teens to get their hands on alcohol. For example, once a teen has gotten intoxicated they are going to attempt to drive while intoxicated and putting their lives in harm and others out there and this creates problems because they are not in the correctShow MoreRelatedWhy The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered908 Words   |  4 PagesWhy the Drinking Age should be lowered to 18? At the age of 18, American Citizens gain the immense responsibility of becoming an adult. When you turn 18 you gain a sense of adulthood and many things that were illegal for you before are now legal. Object lessons are the right to sign a contract, vote in elections, attend on a jury, make a will, get married without parental permission and the list goes on. For what reason is it that you aren t old enough to purchase and consume alcohol. The passageRead MoreWhy The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered995 Words   |  4 PagesAmericans believe it is appropriate for those under twenty-one to drink alcohol and want the legal drinking age to be lowered to eighteen. In the United States when an individual reaches eighteen, he or she are believed to be an adult. Becoming an adult as the law states that means mature enough to vote, purchase cigarettes, and even sign up for the military. When considering changing the drinking age to eighteen for many reasons to think through when it comes to h ealth complications regards to well-beingRead MoreWhy The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered1237 Words   |  5 Pagesthe drinking age should be lowered to eighteen like most of the world or if it should stay at twenty-one. Underage drinking has been a major controversial issue for years, yet why is it not under control? Teenagers are continuing to buy alcohol with fake identification cards, drink, get into bars, and drink illegally. As a teen I have proof that these things are going on not only in college but in high school as well. There are a lot of factors that come together to why the drinking age should beRead MoreWhy The Legal Drinking Age Should Be Lowered1582 Words   |  7 PagesWhy the Legal Drinking Age should Be Lowered Ever since its creation in ancient times, alcohol has been used for many reasons and purposes. Since then, controversies have risen on the topic of alcohol consumption and production. Among these controversies is that of the legal drinking age. While that age is 21 years, the legal age for smoking and for holding political posts is 18 years, and the legal age for consent for sex is 16 years – two of which are activities that are equally, if not more,Read MoreWhy The Drinking Age During The U.s. Should Be Lowered1300 Words   |  6 PagesInsert name Professor’s name Course/class Date Why the drinking age in the U.S. should be lowered to 18 Getting to 18 years of age is an important milestone for a US resident because it is the legal age for independence, allowing the individual to make his or her decisions regarding tobacco smoking, driving and even joining the armed forces while being treated as an adult by the justice system. While this statement is essentially accurate, it is untrue concerning the ability to purchase and drinkRead MoreEssay about Why the Drinking Age Should Be Lowered to 18872 Words   |  4 PagesLowering the drinking age to 18 would make a lot of sense in the world. Lowering the drinking age to 18 would make more sense. It would be better for the teens that drink on college campus. The drinking age should be lowered to 18 because you can vote at eighteen, buy tobacco, it’ll reduce the thrill of breaking the law, evidence supports that early introduction of drinking is the safest way to reduce juvenile alcohol abuse, and college people that are not 21 drink also. If teenagers that are nowRead MoreLowering Legal Drinking Age Essay1417 Words   |  6 PagesLowering the Drinking Age Half the United States population starts drinking at the age of 14.When you are 18 you have privileges like joining the army. (Mitch Adams Lowering the drinking age page 1) You can go to war and die for your country but you still can not enjoy an ice cold beer. (Mitch Adams Lowering the drinking age page 1) How is being 21 different from being 18? How does three more years of not drinking make you mature enough to drink? The longer you drink the more you start toRead MoreShould The Minimum Drinking Age Be Lowered?1138 Words   |  5 Pagesboredom, sadness, insomnia, and rebellion. These are just a few reason why people may consume alcohol. The category of people also includes teenagers. Many on-going debates have flagged this question whether drinking should be lowered to eighteen or not? Citizens have gave details regarding the affirmative and negative views of the minimum drinking age be lowered to eighteen. Do you think that it is wise to lower the minimum age? Would you loo k at the negative and positive impacts? Is it more importantRead MoreShould the Drinking Age Be Lowered to 18? Essay1236 Words   |  5 Pagesargument amongst Americans is determining that the current legal drinking age which is 21 should be lowered to eighteen or not. Researching the following propaganda made me understand the dangers to the youth and people in America if the drinking age were to lower. Therefore i will argue with whoever disagrees with me that the drinking age should be lowered. Id like to explain six reasons to why the drinking age should not be lowered beginning with the strongest reasons. First reason being is thatRead MoreLowering The Alcohol Drinking Age1602 Words   |  7 Pages Lowering The Alcohol Drinking Age Now a day’s teens that are under the age of twenty-one are out in trouble and drinking. They know that they are not old enough to drink and that is what makes them want to drink even more. Teens drink when they are not suppose to, but they know that when they drink, they must stay out of trouble. Lowering the alcohol drinking age will keep a bunch of teens out of trouble. If teens can stay safe while drinking then they should allow eighteen year olds to drink

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Effective Impacts Of Diversity And Why Managers Need...

Introduction: 2 Discussion: 2 Present Situation: 2 Need of global implications: 2 Strategic Benefits of Divrse Workforce: 2 Age-diverse Workforce: 2 Gender-Diverse Workforce: 2 Ethnic and Races Based Diversity: 2 Intellectual Abilities: 2 Role of Human Resource Department: 2 Conclusion: 2 Recommendations: 2 Bibliography 2 Introduction: Social discrimination has been a vexing issue throughout the world. A huge part of the society is a victim of social discrimination. Conversely, reforms and efforts have been brought up to remove the discriminatory aspect of the society. Still, there is a need for affirmative action. In this globalized world, one only strives to connect and build stronger relationships with one another. Therefore,†¦show more content†¦(Kossek Lobel (Eds.), 1996) Discussion: Workforce diversity is categorized as a workforce consisting of a broad mix of workers, including different individual characteristics and racial and ethnic backgrounds. In an organization where workforce is diverse in term of biographical characteristics of age groups, ethnicity, gender and ability, the collaborative force is believed to bring higher profitability and success. (Jung-Erceg, Pandza, Armbruster Dreher, 2007) This diverse workforce will bring up a team of collaborative excellence and enhanced creativity maximizing the overall organizational performance. The individual characteristics which will bring the collaborative excellence includes age factors; different age groups will work together, combining the perspective of past experience, present scenario and future achievements and providing solutions to achieve excellence, gender; combining the force of women with men will double the performance and reduce time consuming, ethnicity and background differentials will brin g different solutions towards critical uncertainties. (Schneider Northcraft, 1999) Therefore, in order to achieve collaborative excellence and progress, a workforce needs of a diverse workforce. Therefore, industries consider the imperious role of workforce diversity, but unfortunately SMEs in UK presents a different scenario. Present Situation: Overall, 60 percent of total small andShow MoreRelated Managing Diversity Essay examples2561 Words   |  11 PagesManaging Diversity As we enter the new millenium, diversity in the workforce is rapidly increasing. Businesses and organizations are living up to the great melting pot image the United States has always been popular for. Employees now reflect a diversity of cultural perspectives, ethnic backgrounds, ages, genders, physical abilities, and levels of education. This wave of multiculturalism is here to stay and cannot be ignored. It is in need of attention in order to uphold the well-being andRead MoreEqual Employment Opportunity Policies Prohibit Discrimination Based On Race, Color, Religion, And Discrimination1654 Words   |  7 Pagesintimidation and exploitation. A company should be prepared to take action to prevent and correct such behavior. Individuals who engage in such behavior will be appropriately disciplined. It is important that you feel free to bring complaints concerning harassment to the attention of the Human Resources Management. Affirmative action is to ensure equal employment opportuni ty by requiring contractors to implement affirmative action plans to assure equal employment opportunity for underutilized minoritiesRead MoreEqual Opportunities Versus Diversity Management3631 Words   |  15 PagesIndividual Assignment Organisational Behaviour (PBSA812) Equal opportunities versus diversity management Executive Summary: To gain insight into equal opportunities and diversity management we will define them. We will then look at the differences between the two statements. By gaining knowledge around the differences we will investigate what affect it has on organisations in their efforts of improving diversity. It will be looked at in the South African context. The next step will be to look atRead MoreNature Of Equality And Diversity Programs2793 Words   |  12 Pagesof equality and diversity initiatives implemented by employers and their effectiveness. In the first section I will look at what equality and diversity programs are used by employers and what effects they have on diversity and inequality. Once I have established the nature of diversity and inequality I will explore the extent to which they are effective. Finally I will critically evaluate the use of equality and diversity programs as to how they affect not only equality and diversity but also how theyRead MoreThe Evolution Of Workplace Di versity1115 Words   |  5 PagesAccording to (â€Å"The evolution of workplace diversity† 5) in 1987, Secretary of Labor, William Brock commissioned a study of economic and demographic trends by the Hudson Institute. This study became the landmark book Workforce 2000 – Work and Workers in the Twenty First Century (â€Å"Workforce 2000†). Workforce 2000 highlighted five demographic factors that would impact the U.S. labor market, and with it, the motivation for diversity initiatives in the workplace: 1. The population and the workforceRead MoreA Positive Type Of Management1380 Words   |  6 PagesA positive type of management who has made a positive impact along with their leadership style would have to be an operations manager at my current job now at FedEx express. This manager has demonstrated a democratic leadership style as well as a Free- rein leader. A democratic leader share power with their followers. While they still make final decisions, th ey typically solicit and incorporate input from their followers. Free- rein leaders set objectives for their followers but give them freedomRead MoreEssay about Managing Diversity Programs Through Communications1900 Words   |  8 PagesManaging Diversity Programs Through Communications Abstract Organizations must look at diversity now as a critical factor in their future success, not just a social imperative#8230; A diverse workforce is now an important competitive advantage. (Jose De Anda, assistant human resources director for the Southern California Region of Kaiser Permanente) Every ten years this great country of ours conducts the collecting of the U.S. Census. While still in progress at the beginning of this decadeRead MoreDiversity Of An Organization s Workforce944 Words   |  4 PagesDiversity of an organization’s workforce and its efforts of taking affirmative steps to attract, develop, and retain diverse employees has become an essential component to business success. To influence managers to utilize every resource when attempting to enhance the cultural diversity in the work place as a â€Å"dynamic atmosphere of collaboration†. Supervisors want to see high standards of ethical behavior in the workplace. In turn, they must behave ethically themselves, exhibiting importantRead MoreAllstate1682 Words   |  7 PagesUsing the model for goal setting, evaluate Allstate ‘goal s setting to determine whether or not Allstate has effective goal-setting programs Allstate’s goal setting process is based on its diversity strategy. Allstate’s director of diversity remarks, the crucial question is, â€Å"how do you take this workforce of differences and bring them together in a more powerful way so that it can impact business result? â€Å" (Hellriegelamp; Slocum, 2011, p. 215) With this in mind, Allstate has devised goal settingRead MoreTanglewood Case Study-Manager Retention1542 Words   |  7 Pagesorganization continues to exponentially grow; their staffing and recruitment processes and procedures have not been integrated to focus on retention management. This paper will examine the relationship between managerial performance and turnover, why managers leave, additional data that the organization should utilize, equal employment practices, and recommendations for strategic retention strategies for managerial positions. Relationship Between Managerial Performance and Turnover Tanglewood has

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Social Norms and Values in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice free essay sample

In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen makes brilliant use of her characters and their situations to paint an image of society in the early 19th century. At the same time, the norms and values which she presents bear some remarkable similarities to today’s world. Social norms are defined by Kendall, Murray, and Linden in Sociology in Our Times as â€Å"established rules of behavior or standards of conduct† (664), while a social value is defined as â€Å"a collective idea about what is right or wrong, good or bad, and desirable or undesirable in a particular culture† (668). These terms can be used fairly interchangeably; they both mean basically the same thing, with norms being the actual behaviors that are dictated by values. Such norms and values are shown in a multitude of ways throughout Pride and Prejudice. There are norms associated with most every aspect of society, including the norms for class, money, gender, and marriage most commonly explored in Austen’s novels. Austen shows society’s values both through satire and through presenting what she considers to be the better alternative. The society of Austen’s time no doubt differs from today in many ways; however, when the actual values of society are closely examined, it becomes apparent that there are some fundamental similarities. Money and class had a very strong influence on what was deemed ‘proper’ during the 19th century. The higher one’s class and economic level, the more highly respected one would be in society. Darcy, with his ? 10 000 a year and landed gentry background, is the social superior of the Bennets, who make only ? 2000 a year and have connections to relations in the lower class. This social superiority is part of why Darcy initially considers Elizabeth to be an unsuitable match for him. In his first proposal to her, he asks her â€Å"Could you expect me to rejoice in the inferiority of your connections? To congratulate myself on the hope of relations, whose condition in life is so decidedly beneath my own? † (168). His words emphasize the marked difference in their social standing and clarify for the reader how undesirable a marriage between different classes were considered at the time. Darcy is, at this point, very much the product of his society. As A. Walton Litz states in his article â€Å"Into the Nineteenth Century: Pride and Prejudice†, Darcy is â€Å"mindful of his relationship to society, proud of his social place, and aware of the restrictions that inevitably limit the free spirit† (65). Money gave a person power, and in many ways was considered the most important factor in a person’s social standing. Lady Catherine de Bourgh, for all her rudeness, is rich and therefore powerful and respected. The Bingleys, in spite of their comparatively low birth, have amassed a good deal of money which has allowed them to move up in society. A preoccupation with money, however, is certainly not unique to Austen’s time. Today, money still remains one of the primary indicators of a person’s place in society, and is often used to make over-generalized statements about people in the same way that Darcy looked down on the Bennets’ lack of wealth. For example, one of the foremost questions people ask each other when they meet for the first time is ‘what do you do? ’ The other person’s answer provides numerous clues about the person’s wealth, status, and power. The person who answers ‘doctor’ is immediately seen as someone with more social standing than the person who answers ‘supermarket cashier’. People today respect people who are rich and who have ‘made it in the world’. Although at the time of Pride and Prejudice, money inherited from a rich, important family was considered preferable to money made through work or trade in the manner of the Bingleys, the great value placed on wealth has varied little. People in the upper and middle classes were expected to behave in certain ways: namely, they were expected to be a lady or a gentleman. As Austen shows, however, that being an aristocrat by no means guaranteed that one was truly a lady or a gentleman. Both ladies and gentlemen were expected to be considerate to others, respectful towards those less powerful than themselves, courteous, and in control of their manners and appearance at all times. Flaunting one’s power was seen as rude and arrogant, and control over outward emotion was imperative. One of the primary examples of how Austen shows the values associated with a gentleman occurs with regard to Elizabeth’s early reactions to Darcy. Although rich, Darcy’s behavior proves that money is not enough to ensure respect. In spite of the initial admiration he is given at the Longbourn ball, his popularity waned quickly: He was looked at with great admiration for about half the evening, till his manners gave a disgust which turned the tide of his popularity; for he was discovered to be proud, to be above his company, and above being pleased; and not all his large estate in Derbyshire could then save him from having a most forbidding, disagreeable countenance, and being unworthy to be compared with his friend. (14) Darcy’s pride and his sense of superiority are considered rude and ungentlemanly behavior, and no amount of money or fine looks can save him from falling into disgrace with the people of Hertfordshire. Later, when Darcy first proposes to Elizabeth, she shocks him when she angrily exclaims that â€Å"had [he] behaved in a more gentleman-like manner† (168), then she may have felt concern in refusing him. She goes on to say that from almost the moment they met, â€Å"[his] manners [impressed her] with the fullest belief of [his] arrogance, [his] conceit, and [his] selfish disdain of the feelings of others† (168) and made him â€Å"the last man in the world whom [she] could ever be prevailed on to marry† (168). For Darcy, being told that he has not acted as a gentleman is a harsh shock, and he realizes that he must change his behavior. Later in the book, Darcy’s true nature as a gentleman is revealed when Elizabeth goes to Pemberley. His housekeeper, Mrs. Reynolds, describes him as â€Å"the best landlord, and the best master† (213), and she has nothing but praise for him. When Darcy arrives at Pemberley, he proves himself to be courteous and well-mannered, and Elizabeth is amazed at â€Å"his behavior, so strikingly altered† (216). In Austen’s world, merely being born an aristocrat does not make someone a lady or a gentleman. Lady Catherine de Bourgh is a prime example of the ill-breeding that can be found in people of high class and wealth. She is a very rich, upper-class widow who owns a great deal of land and who has a great deal of power over her tenants. Her behavior, however, is not at all befitting of a lady. She is rude and inconsiderate, as she proves when Elizabeth visits her and later when she tries to force Elizabeth not to marry Darcy. When Elizabeth visits Rosings, Lady Catherine talks constantly and â€Å"in so decisive a manner as proved that she was not used to having her judgment controverted† (145). She exerts firm control over her tenants, and she spends a great deal of time telling them how to run their households, as can be seen when she â€Å"enquired into Charlotte’s domestic concerns familiarly and minutely, and gave her a great deal of advice, as to the management of them all† (145). Austen satirizes Lady Catherine by presenting her unpleasantness in a near-comical manner. Mr. Collins, too, is certainly not a gentleman. While he attempts to act in a courteous manner, he evidently has very little grasp on the nuances of society, as can be seen when he introduces himself to Mr. Darcy and is ridiculed for doing so by the rest of the party. He is a figure of constant mockery, and the other characters in the novel look down upon him. Elizabeth is quite horrified by his mangled attempt at proposing to her, when he proves himself to be inconsiderate of her feelings and lacking any understanding of how to act towards a woman. He goes as far as to remind her of her father’s eventual death, claiming that she should marry him for that reason, and he dreadfully misinterprets her refusal to marry him as her â€Å"wish of increasing [his] love by suspense† (101). He also constantly flaunts his connections to Lady Catherine and he spends a great deal of time talking about how much money she has. On the other side of the spectrum, however are the Gardiners. The Gardiners are from a low-class background and they live in a trade district of London. In spite of their low birth, however, they prove to be among the most admirable characters in the book. They are both kind-hearted and well-mannered, and when Lydia runs away, Mr. Gardiner does his best to assist the Bennets. Mr. Collins, on the other hand, merely sends a letter telling them that â€Å"the death of [their] daughter would have been a blessing in comparison† (262) and blaming the Bennets for Lydia’s poor upbringing. The Gardiners act almost as surrogate parents for the Bennet daughters, and prove to be just and reasonable people. When Darcy meets the Gardiners at Pemberley, he is forced to rethink his former belief in the â€Å"the inferiority of [Elizabeth’s] connections† (168), since in spite of their low-birth he can plainly see the inherent goodness of manner that the Gardiners possess. The way in which Austen presents her various characters, and the ways in which other characters relate to each other, shows the conflicting values of her society. On the one hand, money is prized above everything and people from the lower-classes are looked down upon. On the other hand, a truly gentleman-like nature and a caring disposition are often prized above wealth. The behavior that was expected of women was very specific and highly stressed. Many conduct books that described the proper behavior for women were published in the late 18th century, and continued to have an impact on the women in the early 19th century. The Bennets are even shown to own a copy of James Fordyce’s Sermons for Young Women, when Mr. Collins reads a passage from the book in volume 1, chapter 14. Here, again, we see conflicting values. As the Longman Cultural Edition of Pride and Prejudice states, â€Å"[the sermons’] lessons are pointedly and disastrously ignored by the one character who needs to listen† (385). This person is, of course, Lydia Bennet, who could in fact do with a few lessons in propriety. On the other hand, as the book continues to state, â€Å"Austen, like many writers of her day, was clearly skeptical about the authoritativeness of conduct-book stands of femininity† (385). Education for young women at the time was usually minimal. They were taught â€Å"needlework, both for necessity and for pleasure; simple arithmetic; fine hand writing, which was considered a very elegant accomplishment; enough music to be able to sing and play†¦; a little drawing†¦; and some very scrappy ideas of history and geography† (Le Faye 87-88). For women educated at private seminaries, â€Å"the prime object was to instill Decorum, Manners, and Deportment† (Le Faye 90). The emphasis on proper manners in Pride and Prejudice is evident, and can be seen at the Netherfield Ball when Elizabeth is embarrassed by her mother’s and younger sisters’ improper behavior: â€Å"To Elizabeth it appeared, that had her family made an agreement to expose themselves as much as they could during the evening, it would have been impossible for them to play their parts with more spirit, or finer success† (95). Certainly, Lydia’s disgraceful behavior shows the norms and values of the time. In running off with a dishonorable man such as Wickham, she brings shame to her entire family. Sexual relations out of wedlock were taboo at the time; Fordyce, in his Sermons, speaks of the suffering parents feel â€Å"when a daughter†¦turns out unruly, foolish, wanton; when she disobeys her parents†¦; when she throws herself away on a man unworthy of her†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Mr. Collins’ reaction, as stated earlier, would not have been uncommon at the time, especially among clergymen. Marriage was a crucial aspect of a woman’s life, and was indeed the only reputable way that she could live. Le Faye says, â€Å"Respectable young women could have no profession except matrimony, hence girls were expected to marry as soon as possible after they made their debut into society in their late teens† (113). There is a constant emphasis on marriage placed in Pride and Prejudice. The famous opening line of the book, â€Å"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife† (1) sets up this theme, which proves to be one of the central aspects of the novel. When Mr. Bingley first arrives in town, Mrs. Bennet’s primary concern is arranging for him to meet her daughters in the hopes that one of them would catch his eye. The numerous balls that the characters attend are designed largely for men and women to meet and interact in an environment that was appropriately chaperoned and controlled. Lydia and Kitty speak of nothing but meeting handsome men – particularly soldiers – and making themselves look as attractive as possible. James Thompson says, â€Å"Prospective mates are chosen as if they were objects, as if marriage itself is not a relation between people, but rather assumes ‘the fantastic form of a relation between things’† (155). Yet, as Austen shows, women nonetheless were relatively free to pick and choose the man they preferred among those considered worthy. Thompson goes on to say that â€Å"†¦in Austen, marriage is never fully represented as an institution, but rather is represented only as an individual practice†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (156). Elizabeth is, after all, was allowed to refuse Mr. Collins. While her father probably could have forced her into the marriage had he wished it, her choice in the matter remained an important factor. Austen considers Elizabeth’s and Darcy’s love to be ideal – unsurprising, considering that they are the protagonists, and the story revolves around their love. On the other hand, Charlotte Lucas’s marriage of necessity to Mr. Collins would have been common of the time, since pragmatic concerns for survival must sometimes overcome romantic wishes. The main tragedy in the match is considered by the other characters to be that she will never be truly happy in her marriage, but even Elizabeth, with her idealistic views of love, understands why Charlotte married Mr. Collins. Therefore, Austen shows how views of marriage in the early nineteenth century could be contradictory, sometimes revolving around love and sometimes being a matter of pragmatism. To a modern reader, the world of Jane Austen often seems very foreign, old-fashioned, and different from today. This is an understandable reaction, considering the differences in lifestyle and the comparative freedoms of our time. However, at the core, it seems that many things remain nearly unchanged. Women’s roles have undoubtedly changed, with women gaining much more freedom in regards to occupations, behavior, and legalities. However, there is still a great deal of social pressure exerted on women to be attractive and to find a man. The media constantly pushes an ‘ideal’ female body, and if a woman does not live up to that standard then she can have difficulty starting a relationship. The emphasis on marriage may be less today, but a woman is often still expected to marry and have children, and if she does not, then she is often pressured by her peers. Although the expectations of proper behavior and manners are more relaxed today, politeness, courtesy, and consideration of others’ feelings are still deemed essential in everyday life. These values are in many ways universal. Although they have been expressed differently throughout the ages, they have always existed in some form or another. Certainly, rudeness and impropriety have never been ideals. Therefore, while Pride and Prejudice certainly shows the society and lifestyles of its time, the novel serves also to depict moral and social values that continue to be relevant today.