Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The Alliance between General Motors and PSU Peugeot Citroen Essay

The Alliance between General Motors and PSU Peugeot Citroen - Essay Example This paper illustrates that competition is forcing rival firms to join hands for developing a better position in the market and also enhance their resource base. The number of alliances, partnerships, ventures, and mergers have increased in the last decade in the corporate sector. However, Hoffmann mentioned that creating alliances is a complex process which can also result in negative outcomes if the allies do not measure the variables of the process in a proper manner. General Motors and PSU Peugeot Citroen have created a customized approach for following up with their alliance plan and created a separate committee for members by selecting key personnel of both the organizations to manage the alliance activities. The researcher is a member of the committee and hence will reflect on the plans and activities being performed within the alliance.The alliance between General Motors and PSU Peugeot Citroen was formed mainly with the view of developing a better resource base for the opera tions of both the companies on the global scale. The strategic alliance between the companies is expected to build their organizational capabilities in response to the challenges faced by the firms in the global marketplace. One of the most crucial considerations which urge firms to engage in mergers and alliances is to reduce the cost of operations. The organizational processes related to the formation of an alliance are structured by the top management of the companies. In the case of GM and PSU Peugeot Citroen, Weinmann and Thomas mentioned that this alliance will lead to the union of the American and European automobile industry and enhance the scope of a production process for the firms as well as will create more options for the customers in all the marketing zones of the concerned organizations. In the context of specific objectives, GM is focused on designing new and innovative production process whereas PSU Peugeot Citroen will utilize the market base of GM for entering the major markets of Asia and America.   The planning stage of the alliance as reported in various media means has highlighted that organizational needs of the allies have been accurately shared and balanced by the firms. This has reduced the liability of the allies and also boosted the level of trust among the partners.  

Monday, February 10, 2020

MGT422 Answer Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MGT422 Answer Questions - Assignment Example Also the release of prisoner number 8612 after he was deemed to have crazed, shows the stressful life of inmates and depression levels. Considering this was just an experiment and he was to be released after one and half days, the critically one can tell the level or amount of agony in the long run. First, stripping by prisoners, which is mostly by force or without the prisoner’s consent or option, is degrading and a violation to that extent. Despite the fact that the prisoner is on the wrong side of the law, stripping may cause untold trauma as everyone deserves privacy and psychologically this may bring other issues like strong revolt and defiance by the prisoner, all in violation of freedom or rights at the start. Delousing and shaving of the heads of the prisoners, as it is put by the guards or from the societal conception, inflicts much internal suffering to the prisoner or the military as they are viewed as dirty, and from the prisoner’s point of view, psychologic ally creates fear as he/she tries to figure out the place he is about to be incubated. Push-ups were aversive forms of punishment at first but this changed with time which shows the adaptation character of humans to a life without a choice. That is, at first they were punishment but since the prisoners did not have a choice, and violation or redress was followed by tougher punishments, they were forced to adapt to the push-up as they were done by everyone and doing them, averted one from extra punishments. Personally, if I were a prisoner, life could have been worse for me especially on the issue of confinement and minimal sensory stimulation. I would be stressed and disoriented and I think I could be the first prisoner to be released of crazing. Personally, I would have rejected the offers to show the prisoner solidarity since from the slides we see some prisoner taking long to adapt to the prison life, justified by the fact that we are not the same, and by rejecting the offers, I will save the â€Å"slow adapters† agony of further torture since the guards will perceive them as notorious or showing some revolt. Misperception of the guards being â€Å"bigger† than the prisoners is always there but here we are dealing with two different cases, the first of prisoners without rights and freedoms and that of the guards who had power and authority to even to torture them. The misperception is always based on the power, privileges and authority involved as body size may not necessarily matter. Their behavior was more controlled and channeled to an intended goal of finishing the study unlike on the case of civilian and police encounters. For instance, in the latter, the civilians show much revolt during arrest as they are not aware on the kind of suffering and conditions of these cubicles and also the fact that they don’t know how long they can take in there after conviction, tends to necessitate revolt from the start. To minimize bias in the stu dy, the choice of variables should be independent and non-discriminatory in that our case where the principle investigator assumed the role of a superintendent, he could control the simulation of the study to meet his personal expectations and also the choice of students as prisoners and guards, would affect the authenticity and independence of simulation as the relationships were more friendly