Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Study on the Effectivity of the Philippine Prison System

A STUDY ON THE EFFECTIVITY OF THE PHILIPPINE PRISON SYSTEM ABELARDO ELEANDRO B. ALB IS, JR. F. 11ADRONA ALICE P. 11ARINO LEONIDES S. RESPICIO To the builders of this nightmare Though you may never get to read these words I pity you; For the cruelty of your minds have designed the bel!; If mens buildings are a reflection of what they are, this one portraits tbe ugliness of all humanity. If you only had some compassion! -grafitti written 011 the wall of American State Prison I. INTROD UCTION A system is said to be effective if the end is realized with a maximum of success while using a minimum of means. To test, therefore, the effectivity of the prison system, the end or the objective and the means or the strategy availed of to secure†¦show more content†¦King Henry VIII thought it wise to pass severe laws to protect the upright men from such misfits. As a result two institutions developed to cope up with the problem. These were the jails or prisons chiefly used for the detention of those accused of crime pending their trials. The other were workhouses which were not penal institutions but were utilized solely to repress vagrant and paupers. The combination of these two institutions during the colonial period (18th Century) produced the modern prisons. This system was characterized by the establishment of reformation with cellular confinement and the use of hard labor as disciplinary and reformative measures. 3 Criminal Science also evolved during this period. O ne of the first breakthroughs in laying its foundation was Beccarias book,4 of Crimes and Punishment. Beccaria believed that the only justification of legal confinement was the protection of society by prevention of crime and that the principle of uniform maximum severity was wrong and ineffective. Punishment must be proportionate to the crime and established by law. The view of Beccaria was adopted and implemented by the prison reformers that followed. One of them was John Harvard, reputed to be the greatest English prison reformer. He believed that prisons should be sanitary and secure, have separate cells and prisoners should have useful work in proper workshops with regular moral andShow MoreRelatedHomelessness Thesis9065 Words   |  37 PagesHES Republic of the Philippines Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE NBP Reservation Poblacion, Muntinlupa City INTRODUCTION Homelessness is a critical issue that requires everyone’s attention. Hundreds of thousands of homeless people live on the streets as their shelter. Historically, homelessness has always been a problem in society. Homeless people were known as â€Å"the wondering poor†, â€Å"sturdy beggars†, and as â€Å"vagrants,† but it was not until the lateRead MoreHomelessness Thesis9057 Words   |  37 PagesHES Republic of the Philippines Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE NBP Reservation Poblacion, Muntinlupa City INTRODUCTION Homelessness is a critical issue that requires everyone’s attention. Hundreds of thousands of homeless people live on the streets as their shelter. Historically, homelessness has always been a problem in society. Homeless people were known as â€Å"the wondering poor†, â€Å"sturdy beggars†, and as â€Å"vagrants,† but it was not until theRead MorePracticum Report4846 Words   |  20 PagesA Practicum Report On Bureau of Immigration Magallanes Drive, Intramuros Manila, Philippines Training Period: ( April 17, 2012 – June 11, 2012 ) In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course TOUR 401 – Hospitality Practicum 1 For degree in Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management Tourism Management Department College of International Hospitality Management De La Salle University – Dasmarià ±as Dasmarià ±as, Cavite Presented to: Ms. Beberlee Desingaà ±o Presented by: Panoy, KristineRead MoreBanking Laws and Jurisprudence Reviewer41247 Words   |  165 Pagesconcept of banking †¢ Islamic Bank – RA 6848 †¢ Subject to the principles and rulings of Islamic Shari’a 7. Others banks: †¢ Philippine Veterans Bank – created to provide government depository to veterans for appreciation of grateful nation (RA 3518) †¢ Land bank of the Philippines – finance distribution of estate to resale to small landholders (RA 3844) †¢ Development Bank of Philippines – provide credit facilities for development in agriculture, commerce and industry †¢ DBP was previously named as Rehabilitation

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