Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Antigone Essay - 3001 Words

I. SUBJECT Antigone is a play about a woman who disobeyed the Kings order to not bury her brother. The play was written by the famous Greek tragedian, Sophocles, in 441 B.C. The story took place in the city of Thebes and the time period is not mentioned. The main characters introduced in the play are of Antigone, Ismene, Creon, and Haemon. The primary focus was centered on Antigone and the consequences she faces after breaking the Kings orders. In the beginning, the author introduced Antigone and her sister, Ismene, and their argument about their recently deceased brother. The argument involved Antigone wanting to bury her brother and Ismene encouraging her to obey the Kings orders. Antigone ignored her sisters advice and chose to†¦show more content†¦Sophocles believed that it was significant that the law of a persons conscience supersedes the law of the state. Antigone overlooks the law of the state and follows her heart to do what she knows is morally right, opposed to a law created by a human with high authority. She understands that the consequences are heavy for the act, however, she courageously concluded that the importance of the act was greater than the consequences. In the play, Haemon is brought to his father to be informed off the news of his soon to be wife. In the discussion between Creon and Haemon, they speak of Haemons obedience and Antigones disobedience to Creon. Creon says, So I must guard the men who yield to order, not let myself be beaten by a woman. Better, if it must happen that a man should overset me. I wont be called weaker than womankind (Sophocles 211). Creon makes it clear that his reasoning relies on sexism and not what is truly just. Women are often downgraded to the status of a secondary role as shown in the story. The argument between the law of the state and the law of the gods, or religious, is mentioned many times throughout the story. Creon refers to Antigones brother as one who betrayed his city and he upholds an order for Thebes, forbidding Antigones brother to be buried. Antigone refers to burying her brother as a moral responsibility. Creon is astonished when he finds that she has disobeyed hisShow MoreRelatedAntigone By Sophocles Antigone1525 Words   |  7 Pagesnothing that the gods demand† (1349-1350). Sophocles’ Antigone takes place in a trying time for the city of Thebes, when Oedipus, their king, and most of the royal family have died, and Creon has just been appointed the new king. Throughout the play, Creon tries on his power as the new ruler, and seems to believe that the gods will not be angry with some of his choices as king, even though they directly violate the divine law. 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